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Sunday, June 11, 2023

What is Method Study?

Method Study: Method is the systematic recording and critical examination of ways of doing thinks in order to make improvement. Today I am share method study basic procedure in this article.

Basic procedure of Method Study:

  • Select- The task to be studied.
  • Record- To collecting data at source and by direct observation.
  • Examine- By collecting data at source by direct observation.
  • Develop- New methods develop, drawing on contribution of those concerned
  • Evaluate- Results of alternative solutions.
  • Define- New methods & present findings
  • Install- New methods & train those involved
  • Maintain- Establish control procedure

Objective of Method Study:

  • Simplify task or eliminate it.
  • Combine of rearrange activities
  • Eliminate unnecessary motions
  • Engineer the operation
  • Reduce inherent work content.

Important consideration of Method Study are:

  • 1. Minimize motions of human body
  • 2. Arrangement of work place
  • 3. Working conditions
  • 4. Process of manufacture
  • 5. Working method.

1. Minimize motions of human body:

 The motion of the human body can be minimized in the following ways

  •             FINGER                                                            
  •             FINGERS
  •             HAND
  •             FOREARM
  •             ARM
  •             BODY
  •             WALKING ABOUT                                           
  •  People come in different shapes & size. As far as possible the work place should be adjusted the individual.
  • The body naturally adjust to counter balance any movements of its parts. Ideally one useful movement should be matched by another, so that they are symmetrical and in opposite direction.
  • Where possible movements of the parts of the body should be together (They should be simultaneous).
  • Jerky movements are tiring & unproductive.
  • Definite & fixed stations should be provided for all tools & materials to permit habit formation & should be positioned to reduce searching.

2. Arrangement of work place:

  • Body straight & relaxed in a chair.
  • Back against back of the chair.
  • Sit up straight in a properly adjust chair.
  • Table height at elbow level while operator is comfortable seated.
  • Feet comfortably reached machine treadle.
  • If the machine has a knee press for lifting or cutting thread should be close             
  • Enough to be activated without remove foot from treadle.
  • The needle must be positioned to the Centre of the operator
  • Provide fixtures & extension boards to keep the parts in definite fixed location.                 
  • When the part pre-positioned, it will reduce the time for searching.
  • The movement will be habitual & will not need shifting of the eye.                              
  • Pick up & dispose locations should be at a comfortable height & distance.

 3. Working Condition:

  • Comfortable temperature.
  • Adequate ventilation
  • Proper lighting
  • Good house keeping
  • Safety device

4. Process of manufacture:

  • Sew ability of fabrics
  • Quality of threads & trims
  • Transport & Storage of materials.
  • Use of trolleys & conveyors to transport parts or garments from one work place to others.
  • It is possible to design tools & equipment to reduce required precision and to minimize motions or automate tasks. Such as: folders & foots.

5. Working Method:

  • Sewing operation consist of the following three basic elements, Picking up & positioning of the parts to needle.
  • Sewing parts with aligning, realigning & repositioning (stitching).
  • Dispose of part.

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